Is free dog photography actually free?

Free dog photography is a tantalising offer that often lures pet owners in, but how genuine are these “free” sessions? Many dog photographers advertise these offers on platforms like Facebook and Google, but customer experiences suggest that all is not necessarily what it seems.

Clients who have attended these sessions frequently describe them as honey traps designed to entice you into spending more money. One particular client shared her story with me after a two-hour session, during which she ended up spending over £1,000 on prints and packages.

She was taken aback by the final bill, especially after realising that the quality of our dog photography far surpassed what she had experienced elsewhere. Thankfully, her daughters had purchased a dog photography gift voucher from me, allowing her to compare the two services directly.

In the world of dog photography, it’s crucial to look beyond the allure of “free” and consider the true value of quality work.

It is unwise to pay too much, but is worse to pay too little

“It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all.

When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.

The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot – it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is as well
to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

John Ruskin (1819-1900) 

What does “Free Dog Photography” actually mean?

I frequently engage in personal projects where I offer free dog photography in exchange for your time and the opportunity to photograph your dog. When I say it is free, I genuinely mean it; there are no hidden costs.

At the start of each session, we will discuss what you can expect to receive at the end of the project. Typically, I provide complimentary tea, coffee, and biscuits to create a relaxed atmosphere during our time together.

The photography session usually lasts between 2 and 3 hours, allowing ample time to capture beautiful moments with your dog. As a thank-you for lending your time and your furry friend, you will have the option to choose several edited digital images. These images are yours to use as you wish, with no strings attached.

I pride myself on never upselling my services. If you’re considering participating in any free dog photography opportunity, ensure you clarify all details before committing. Once you understand and agree with the terms, embrace the chance to create lasting memories with your pet.

JBS Dog Photography personal projects

I am currently engaged in a compelling project focused on photographing Mikey, a beautiful one-eyed Labrador. The first set of images captures Mikey in his original state, showcasing his unique character alongside his defective eye.

Free Dog Photography

A week later, I documented the second set of photographs after Mikey’s successful surgery to remove the damaged eye. These images highlight his resilience and the immediate aftermath of the procedure.

Free Dog Photography

My upcoming third set will feature Mikey fully grown, with his scar healed, epitomising the strength and adaptability of dogs. This project serves as a testament to how dogs can endure adversity while maintaining their joyful spirit, always ready to wag their tails.

Through this series, I aim to illustrate not only the surgical journey but also Mikey’s remarkable growth. This endeavour stands as an excellent example of free dog photography, capturing the essence of canine perseverance and happiness.

Free Dog Photography
In conclusion

In conclusion, there are indeed genuine photographers who are passionate about their craft. Many are building their portfolios or completing personal projects and offer free dog photography sessions to gain experience and showcase their skills.

However, it’s important to be cautious. At various shows or through social media ads, some photographers use free services as a strategy to entice you. Their goal is often to make you fall in love with their work, ultimately encouraging you to spend substantial amounts of your hard-earned money.

To avoid any misunderstandings, clarify with the photographer what you will receive for free and what additional costs may arise. If you’re dedicating your precious time to a session, ensure you receive at least an agreed number of digital photos.

If the terms aren’t clear, consider walking away. This way, you can prevent unexpected costs and avoid paying for something that doesn’t meet your expectations or needs. Being informed will help you enjoy your dog photography experience without any unwelcome surprises.